
Impulse Trading - trading system for binary options

Published: 22.06.2016
Reading time: 14 minutes

Impulse Trading System intended for binary options trading, and is built on a combination of impulse indicator AA-indicator and the 123PatternsV6 indicator. The strategy is universal and suitable for any trading assets and on any timeframes.

Characteristics of the Impulse Trading

Installing Impulse Trading:

1. Unpack the archive with indicators and template.
2. Copy the folders MQL4 and template in directory of your terminal File/Open Data Folder:

3. Restart terminal.
4. Open the graph of desired currency pair.
5. Install on a graph template with the name Impulse Trading:


The graph should look like this:


Rules of trade by Impulse Trading

CALL signal:

  1. On the aa-indicator appeared green impulse above the level of 20 (1).
  2. Appeared blue arrow (2) and the price broke through the blue line of the123PatternV6 indicator from the bottom to top (3):


PUT signal:

  1. On the aa-indicator appeared red impulse above the level of 20 (1).
  2. Appeared red arrow (2) and the price broke through the red line of the123PatternV6 indicator from top to bottom (3):


In the strategy for binary options trading Impulse Trading is recommended to introduce additional indicators that will allow create additional conditions for the earlier purchase of the option. Also not recommended to trade before and during the appearance of important economic events.

Very important! For a successful trade with the Impulse Trading System requires broker that does not create delays in the opening positions and has a zero spread. That is a broker PocketOption. In addition, PocketOption regulated by the Mwali International Services Authority (License T2023322).

In the archive Impulse_Trading.rar:

  • 123PatternsV6.ex4
  • 123PatternsV6.mq4
  • aa-indicator.ex4
  • aa-indicator.mq4
  • Impulse Trading.tpl

Free Download Impulse Trading

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  • Roma
    Published: 28.07.2016 Reply to the message

    Ребята вот это Ваш индикатор вообще супер
    Главное желательно против тренда не торговать и выход экономических новостей.
    Для Бинаров тоже
    Спасибо ребята

    • Andrew
      Published: 22.08.2016 Reply to the message

      fuck..!! what you write here nobody understands.. u crazy

      • Alex
        Published: 30.10.2016 Reply to the message

        Andew, Roma wrote, that: "Guys, your indicator simply superb...do not trade against the trend and mind economic news...for binary options is also super...thanks"

        • Hakim
          Published: 07.12.2016 Reply to the message

          I needed to test and try, 'Impulse Trading for one minute binary' but after download button it's just blank. Is it still available or removed out? please can you find out am trying three weeks still not there.

          • Daniel
            Published: 07.12.2016 Reply to the message

            My friend, the lifetime of link 120 seconds. If the after generation of links you are not clicked on the link “Download” within 2 minutes, then reload the page and repeat the process of loading and generation of links again. Thanks.

  • Tonmoy
    Published: 27.10.2016 Reply to the message

    @Andrew, mind you language bro..!

  • Vinc
    Published: 08.12.2016 Reply to the message

    expiry 6 candles from the signal candle or from the moment candle? I noticed that the signal (call or put) always comes two candles before where is the price

  • Ricky
    Published: 25.01.2017 Reply to the message

    Amazing Mr. Daniel amazing.
    Such a successful strategies comes too late in life...

  • Ricky
    Published: 30.01.2017 Reply to the message

    Great, getting more than 80% but one thing needed.
    Need alert on arrow so i may know when to monitor for the signals

    • yellow
      Published: 17.05.2017 Reply to the message

      i can code the indicator to give sound alert. kindly contact me yellowman226@gmail.com on skype. yellowman226 oryellow

    • Pedro
      Published: 12.07.2017 Reply to the message

      What is your expiry?

  • Praveen
    Published: 04.06.2017 Reply to the message

    Daniel Bro, You guys are AWESOME!!!
    Nothing comes for free in this world but still you guys are doing the best.
    Salute guys.

  • bruno
    Published: 12.06.2017 Reply to the message

    The indicator does not show the arrows and horizontal lines and it freezes my MT4 platform

    I tried to download elsewhere but same problem
    Any help ?


  • Sancak
    Published: 11.01.2019 Reply to the message

    Hi Yellow. how to turn on voice alert. help please. skype & email sancakfx@hotmail.com

  • tony hammond
    Published: 03.04.2019 Reply to the message

    the 123patterns v6 indicator does not display

  • jd
    Published: 30.05.2019 Reply to the message


    'extraction failed' when i try to run? any advice?


  • Daniel
    Published: 15.09.2020 Reply to the message

    Thank you.

    But I'm not selling anything, so he has the right to dispose of it as he wants. He can even sell if his conscience allows him. There are a lot of such entrepreneurs now.

  • Mohamed
    Published: 23.10.2020 Reply to the message

    Mr danial
    HI I have problem. The arrow is very late what can I do to adjust it

  • amanda
    Published: 12.02.2021 Reply to the message

    Sugere algum mt4, pois testei em vários e as linhas do indicador 123PatternsV6 não estão aparecendo ou tem algo de errado nao sei

  • ziad
    Published: 31.05.2021 Reply to the message

    Daniel, are you human, I think yes, but you are rare in this time, you are a good person, thank you

  • ali
    Published: 26.06.2021 Reply to the message

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    A while ago, a friend sent me an indicator close to the signals of this
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    And we have an Arabic saying: Beware of the evil of those you do good to %)
    Thank you very much, Daniel. *IN LOVE*
    By the way, Daniel is the name of one of the prophets.

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