Getsuga Tensho - optimal combination of indicators
Getsuga Tensho differs from most trading systems for binary options by an optimal combination of indicators, each of which is responsible for a particular function. When working with this system, it can be noted that all its components are in their places and perform the necessary functions for displaying and filtering signals.
Characteristics of the Getsuga Tensho
- Platform: Metatrader4
- Asset: Majors
- Trading Time: European and American sessions
- Timeframe: M5
- Expiry: 30 minutes
- Recommended broker: Grand Option, Deriv, PocketOption
Trading rules by Getsuga Tensho
- Arrow is pointing up
- xpMA is colored blue
- HAMA turned blue
- MACD is above zero and green
- Stochastic is in the oversold zone
- Arrow is pointing down
- xpMA is colored red
- HAMA turned red
- MACD is below zero and red
- Stochastic is in the overbought zone
A few more examples:
The author of the Getsuga Tensho tried to combine such basic entities as trend, correction (rollback) and continuation. Of course, it can not completely save you from mistakes, and it is here that you need your experience and understanding of the market. In particular, avoid trading for some time before and after the news release and during low volatility.
In the archive Getsuga_Tensho.rar:
- Getsuga Tensho.ex4
- HAMA_.ex4
- MACD-2.ex4
- MACD-2.mq4
- MACD-2_1.ex4
- MACD-2_1.mq4
- xpMA.ex4
- xpMA.mq4
- Getsuga Tensho.tpl
Free Download Getsuga Tensho