
Forex strategy WSS Platinum - set of indicators for a win-win trade

Published: 09.06.2014
Reading time: 11 minutes

WSS Platinum Trading Strategy authors positioned as an ideal set of indicators for a win-win trade. WSS - is a complex of 7 + 1 indicators summarizing analytical indicator + additional visualization on the chart. The strategy implemented WSS Platinum giving recommendations on entry and exit from the market using sound alerts.

Characteristics of WSS Platinum:

  • Type of strategy: Indicator
  • Platform: Metatrader4
  • Currency pairs: Any
  • Trading Time: Any, preferably opening of Europe 07.00 - 10.00 GMT, the discovery of America 12.00 - 16.00 GMT
  • Timeframe: Any, recommended M15
  • Recommended broker: Roboforex, XM, Forex4you

Description of the interface strategy WSS Platinum:

Top left list of generalized indicators on indicators UP / DOWN - that is assessment - the trend is up or down in 7 different methods. Below is the result of generalized text, for example: Analisys Result: SIDEWAYS, UP TREND (WEAK) - Result analysis: SIDE, uptrend (LAX). - That in itself is informative. Even lower two lines with a recommendation for entry into the market: signal system 20 pips, including importance of the ideal price for the entry and stop loss / take profit when using this input. The second line - such as recommendations for system breakthroughs (signal breakout) - triggered only when the market might break support or resistance line.


Rules trade on the strategies WSS Platinum:

  • To minimize the risk, do not use more than 5% -10% of the deposit in per trade
  • Optimal results are obtained on GBPUSD, but you can experiment and other pairs
  • Before you do something, wait until the price go down or touch the gray zone (neutral)
  • Good time for trades: opening of Europe 07.00 - 10.00 GMT, the discovery of America 12.00 - 16.00 GMT
  • Red zone = a sell / short position / market down
  • Gray area = neutral area of support levels
  • Blue zone = buy / long position / market up

Strategy 20 pips (blue and red lines):

  • Open trade up or down according to the recommendations
  • Set Take Profit 10 - 20 pips for safe trading with a small risk
  • Set Take Profit of 20 pips on, if you are ready for more risk
  • Set Stop Loss at 40 - 60 pips

Strategy Breakout level (bold blue and bold red line):

  • You can Buy or Sell at break (only at the opening of Europe and America, or on the news)
  • Breakthrough strategy - Take Profit of 100 pips Stop Loss - 40, trailing stop 15-30 pips

In the archives WSS_Platinum.rar:

  • #Signal_Bars_v6.ex4
  • _WSS-Graphics.ex4
  • Advanced_ADX.ex4
  • BBANDS~1.ex4
  • Din_fibo_high.ex4
  • i-CassierWorkTime.ex4
  • xMeterMTF.ex4
  • wss_platinum.tpl

Free Download WSS Platinum

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  • Aleksandar Panov
    Published: 18.03.2015 Reply to the message

    I truly am sorry if I'm boring, but this link also does not work.

    • Daniel
      Published: 19.03.2015 Reply to the message

      I repeat: I checked all the links work. You should be aware that the lifetime of links 5 minutes. You probably just timed-out.

  • Vasilis
    Published: 20.03.2015 Reply to the message

    Sometimes links indeed don't work and it's not a matter of time out.I had many fails but eventually I downloaded what I wanted by trying 10-15 minutes later or in some cases the next day.Maybe it is a server problem or something like that.It is certain that all links indeed work.I personally downloaded everything but not everything with the first try.

  • Vasilis
    Published: 20.03.2015 Reply to the message

    If Aleksandar still having a problem he can talk to me in facebook (Vasilis Gamb) and I will send him any file he wants.I don't know if that is allowed by Daniel but if it is not he will simply delete my comment.For obvious reasons I don't want to post my e-mail.

  • danton
    Published: 01.12.2015 Reply to the message

    is possible to get a video showing how to use this indicator??

  • Ghalib
    Published: 12.01.2016 Reply to the message

    Thank you veeeeeeeeeeeeeery much for this a great strategy

    • Daniel
      Published: 17.02.2017 Reply to the message

      hope you are still profiting well with the system..

  • ashraf
    Published: 06.07.2016 Reply to the message

    is possible to get a video showing how to use this indicator??

  • Daniel
    Published: 17.02.2017 Reply to the message

    This is like the Holy Grail Thanks Daniel for sharing this unique system... :-D *IN LOVE* =) 8) *THUMBS UP* *OK*

  • wawazoom123
    Published: 24.03.2017 Reply to the message

    Thank you veeeeeeeeeeeeeery much for this a great strategy

  • Laura
    Published: 12.04.2018 Reply to the message

    That's an amazing system! I've just tried that out on Demo, it made $2.3K in 20 min, and I am trying on real now. Thank you so much!!!

    • zaki
      Published: 30.07.2018 Reply to the message

      @laura, show me your strategy for this indicator, thanks laura

    • Viggy_sa
      Published: 08.05.2020 Reply to the message

      can you please send me the file pleeeeaaaaasssseee ! *SORRY*

  • Fxrockstar7
    Published: 06.12.2019 Reply to the message

    This system is so unique that my former fx broker kicked me out and another fx broker just won't allow me to trade with this system. So, if it doesn't work in one broker's platform just use it on another one, and just copy the trades to your real fx broker account. ---my 2 cents. 8)

    • harold
      Published: 23.05.2020 Reply to the message

      hola puedes compartir tu estrategia

  • emmannuel
    Published: 09.06.2020 Reply to the message

    hi can i please have the system please am reguesting it

  • X
    Published: 15.12.2020 Reply to the message

    Daniel. I have to say, this is indeed an amazing system but I must ask. I have been having problems with the target profits (tp) for short. Do I use the first tp that I get when I place or the second day(s) tp?

  • Areteus
    Published: 25.12.2023 Reply to the message

    Thanks for loading.. How I can change GBP to any other currency?

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