
Magnus FX Hybrid System - up to 73% profit in just 55 days

Published: 08.08.2023
Reading time: 10 minutes

With Magnus FX Hybrid Trading System, its creator promises us a profit of up to 73% in just 55 days. Whether this is a lot or not, let each of you decide for yourself. But these figures are more like the truth than the incredible profits that other self-named "Trading Gurus" promise us. The signals of the system 100% are not repainted and determining the entry point does not need much experience and knowledge - just follow the recommendations below.

Characteristics of the Magnetic Levels Software

  • Platform: Metatrader4
  • Currency pairs: Any currency pairs, recommended major
  • Trading Time: Any, recommended only New York trading sessions
  • Time Frame: M1-D1
  • Recommended broker: Roboforex, XM, FBS

System signals and trading rules

The system consists of three renamed indicators:


To enter the market we need three factors - signals from the above three indicators:

For BUY:

  1. Green short line (MAGNUS)
  2. Yellow wide line (MAGNUS FX)
  3. Arrow + Lime wide line (HYBRID)


  1. Red short line (MAGNUS)
  2. Yellow wide line (MAGNUS FX)
  3. Arrow + Lime wide line (HYBRID):


Accordingly, if this condition is not met, we do not open the trade:


Stop Loss should be set slightly above/below (by a few pips) the previous local High/Low. And exit the trade when the opposite signal appears or at Take Profit, which is equal to 2(3)*StopLoss.

The author of this strategy explains it more clearly in this video (the video is in Spanish, there are English subtitles):

Like any other Magnus Hybrid FX system can be improved by you with additional indicators-filters, which can increase its accuracy.

Before using it in real trading, be sure to practice on demo account. Do not forget about mani-management and important economic events.

In the archive Magnus_Hybrid_FX_System.rar (170 KB):

  • HYBIRD.ex4
  • MAGNUS FX.ex4
  • MAGNUS.ex4

Free Download Magnus FX Hybrid System


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  • Sancho
    Published: 19.08.2023 Reply to the message

    It is an absolute FAKE and FALSE
    It is not the original system (I have it). They have simply created something that visually resembles the original system.
    Nothing else....100% FAKE

    • spooky ridge
      Published: 23.11.2024 Reply to the message

      you du** fuc**d wo**k, are you even sure of what you're talking about?

  • Jiangshi
    Published: 12.06.2024 Reply to the message

    Hello Daniel.
    Indicators "HYBIRD" and "MAGNUS FX" are not applicable to MT4.
    Is this also because it was updated to 1420 build?
    I was in trouble because MT4 itself did not work with the 1415 build.

  • joao silva
    Published: 19.06.2024 Reply to the message

    Hello Daniel. When will MAGNUS FX be updated for MT4 build 1420?

  • Wayv
    Published: 30.06.2024 Reply to the message

    Hellow Daniel
    The hybrid and magnusfx is not working can you provide suitable indicators please,I will appreciate your response

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